We live in three different realities. Or another way to think of it is that we allow three different narratives to run our lives.
What if we became more mindful of which narrative we spent the most time?
The first reality is simply the nature of the 3-dimensional reality we’re all living in. It’s our world. It is what it is. If you don’t like the world you’re living in, it’s very difficult to change at the level of effect, because it’s already happened.
The second narrative is where we spend most of our time. We take the Left Brain Drain Train to Desperation City, where we tell ourselves stories that don’t make us feel good. These are stories from our conditioned past that we continuously tell ourselves (as they are on autopilot) and they can get violently re-booted in times of stress, confrontation, upset and challenge.
The third reality is the world of imagination. Einstein said, “Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.” What he is saying is that what we want to see in our first narrative needs to start here in this world – the imaginative realm – because it’s here that we can create change at a level of causality.
We often discount this world because although we all spend some time imagining things, we don’t really believe in the efficacy of those images actually showing up in our world. We’re so bombarded with the pictures of how everyday reality looks that we lose sight that all creation occurs in the ideation realm.
Nothing on this planet – no website, no magazine, no Ipad, no airplane, no home, no city – exists without it first having been being born in the mind of a creator. And so it is also with the planet itself. The intention – the idea of creation – began somewhere. Whether you believe in a Divine explanation of things or simply the process of natural selection and evolution – all things begin as a potential being made manifest in physical form.
Things take time. (Ummmm . . . it took over a billion years for Planet Earth to evolve from a poisonous, molten, oxygen-less rock into this place we now call home.) Processes are just that – a process. Don’t lose faith just because the mind pictures you’ve been dreaming about last week haven’t shown up in your reality today. Keep taking baby steps to imagine a more exciting, beautiful world for yourself. Consistently. And don’t be unnerved when your reality still looks the same.
Eventually, you’ll see that the preview of your life’s coming attractions has now become “what’s playing.” And, hopefully, if you imagined powerfully and beautifully, that will be a very exciting reality, indeed.