Star of “Once Upon a Time In Hollywood” and the new “Penny Dreadful” spin off, Lorenza Izzo opens up about the ups and downs of the industry.Read more
Star of “Once Upon a Time In Hollywood” and the new “Penny Dreadful” spin off, Lorenza Izzo opens up about the ups and downs of the industry.Read more
Busy Casting Director David Rapaport gives helpful and practical insider advice on the casting process.Read more
Actor, director and AMAW teacher Jordan Lane Shappell goes deep. Looking at what it is you really want to express as an artist.Read more
Fake it ’til you make it. That’s what everyone’s doing every day of their lives, but we don’t realize it because we’re so caught up in the myth that “making it” looks a certain way and is a final finish line at which we must arrive. In that illusion, we compare ourselves (and our struggles)Read more
Why are we doing this? It’s important to ask ourselves this question. For whom? Do you ever stop and ask yourself why you want to act? Or Create? Or live your life as an artist? Sometimes we lose connection to – or allow the business to contaminate – the original reasons why we wanted toRead more
Recently a student voiced a fear that I think a lot of people are afflicted by. She said that if she let go of the drama that was in her life – specifically in her relationships – she was scared that her life would be boring. News Flash. It won’t. Because of our low selfRead more
Relaxation. It’s always a breath away. But we often forget this when we get stressed, tense our bodies and attempt to go for something big. It almost seems counter-intuitive to relax when what we’re wanting seems to come from moments of committed self-exertion. The Olympics. There were so many Gold-Medal moments that showed us howRead more
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