You don’t need the perfect sweater or perfume to be enough. You’re not just another consumer statistic. YOU, just you, are more than enough. Don’t forget that this Holiday season.Read more
You don’t need the perfect sweater or perfume to be enough. You’re not just another consumer statistic. YOU, just you, are more than enough. Don’t forget that this Holiday season.Read more
Stanislavsky, later in his life, actually redacted a lot of his acting methods. After many realizations, he was trying to get people to understand a lot of the same concepts that AMAW teaches. Instead of “building the character,” he was trying to get people to be in the NOW. It was a more spiritual, emotional,Read more
The time of your life is now. Here’s the crazy thing, when you’re in your 20’s, you think the time of your life is going to be when you…fill in the blank…in some distant future when things start to come together for you, and that’s when you really start living your life. Wrong. The timeRead more
Our self-preservation instincts, up til now, have served us well. They’ve kept us safe. Protected us. Allowed us to survive. But, when our walls are always up, it keeps us from allowing moments in our life, and in our acting, from TRULY affecting us. Find out the true magic behind the curtain, with Tony, inRead more
For so many of us, most of our life is spent in an attempt to hide the “ugly” parts of ourselves. Our scars. Our wounds. Our brokenness. But, what if we reframed the way we look at those “ugly” parts and saw them instead as what makes us human, unique and interconnected? Find the beautyRead more
When we get in a scene we can often let our idea of the script get in the way of the actual moment. But, real-life doesn’t happen that way. The way we plan things rarely unfolds in the way we anticipate, and our interactions with people typically aren’t planned or calculated at all. So whyRead more
We all have masks and suits of armor we’ve built up and put on, to get us through some of our more vulnerable times. And they worked. We survived. But, what happens when we’re still clinging to those things, years later, when they’re no longer serving us? Learn how to set aside the act andRead more
How do you turn your pain into possibility? When tough life problems are the catalysts to become more authentically you. Learn how Anthony did this throughout his life in this week’s Vlog. Read more
How often in life are we asking for opportunities to be in service to others? And more importantly, are we truly LISTENING for the answer? Find out how to check your ego and get in touch with your humanity, with Tony, in this week’s VLOG.Read more
Our day-to-day life is filled with moments of connection and flirtation. A nod, a touch, occasions of sustained eye contact. So why do we feel shame in owning that and bringing it to the work? Bring a little more flirt to your work, with Tony, in this week’s VLOG.Read more
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