Auditioning can feel lonely, we get it. But what if we told you that you weren’t on your own whenever you go into an audition? Step into the casting office with Tony in this week’s BLOG.Read more
Auditioning can feel lonely, we get it. But what if we told you that you weren’t on your own whenever you go into an audition? Step into the casting office with Tony in this week’s BLOG.Read more
When the shields are always up, nothing can get in. Tony shows you how to stop blocking and open up in this week’s BLOG.Read more
It’s the mysterious, scary question that keeps us holding on too tightly to things we need to release: what is on the other side of letting go? Tony give you a glimpse in this week’s BLOG.Read more
Acting is an exploration, a SEARCH. A search for what is up to you, and you’ll know when you find it. Don’t hold up just anything and call it THE thing. Keep your eyes open, and you’ll discover amazing things you never knew were right in front of you all along. Tony shows you wereRead more
We live in a world designed to trigger us, to reduce us to knee-jerk responses, and to limit our humanity to a single dimension. How do we reclaim our humanity and see the humanity in others in an increasingly complicated world? Tony poses the question in this week’s BLOG.Read more
You are large and contain multitudes, but you only get called in for one type of role. What gives?! Tony has something to say about it in this week’s BLOG. MALE STUDENT: A thing that I have an issue with is that I over-analyze the character and then I end up limiting what theRead more
The individual voice is a powerful thing. Finding yours is a necessity as an artist, and as a human being. Tony sings out in this week’s BLOG.Read more
Want to be “one of the greats?” You have it in you, you may have just forgotten this one thing keeping you from where you want to go. Tony has a special message just for you, in this week’s BLOG.Read more
Want to be successful in your art? Remember this one thing: You, your body, your mind, your soul, are all you are ever going to get. And that’s all you’ll ever need. Tony breaks it down in this week’s BLOG.Read more
As human beings, we tend to avoid things that cause pain; embracing rejection therefore seems counter intuitive. Because rejection HURTS. But the lessons that come with rejection can be worth the pain, if you keep your eyes open. Put rejection under the microscope and study along with Tony in this week’s BLOG.Read more
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