How often do we equate our personal success and worth on if we’re booking the job or not? And what does it TRULY mean to be a ‘working actor?’ Get the straight talk with Tony in this week’s VLOG.Read more
How often do we equate our personal success and worth on if we’re booking the job or not? And what does it TRULY mean to be a ‘working actor?’ Get the straight talk with Tony in this week’s VLOG.Read more
How often in life are we asking for opportunities to be in service to others? And more importantly, are we truly LISTENING for the answer? Find out how to check your ego and get in touch with your humanity, with Tony, in this week’s VLOG.Read more
Are you afraid of being “found out” that you’re terrible, or truly great? Find the true path to great with Tony in this week’s VLOG.Read more
Our day-to-day life is filled with moments of connection and flirtation. A nod, a touch, occasions of sustained eye contact. So why do we feel shame in owning that and bringing it to the work? Bring a little more flirt to your work, with Tony, in this week’s VLOG.Read more
This is what it is to be HUMAN & an actor. To be brave, or to be courageous, is to live in uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure without knowing the ending, the conclusion, the outcome… …Living in the UNKNOWN.Read more
When is “the moment”? Is it…now? Wait, hold on…NOW. No wait, dang it. This is trickier than I thought. Fortunately, Tony makes it simple for you in this week’s BLOG.Read more
Not to go all Harry Connick, Jr. on you guys, but It Has to Be You. Make something of and for yourself with Tony in this week’s BLOG.Read more
Booked and busy, but burning out? Pump the brakes with Tony in this week’s BLOG.Read more
It’s not just a 90’s T-Shirt slogan. Live with no fear alongside Tony in this week’s BLOG.Read more
The saying, “It’s better to give than to receive,” may be true, but it’s not an absolute. Leave yourself some room to get as good as you give. Tony has the receipts in this week’s BLOG.Read more
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