We expend so much energy trying to look good, maintain control, focus on the end results, micro-manage and worry about things that are insignificant, that we lose the ability to be fully expressed, liberated and free in the moment.
You’ve got to stop caring how you think other people think of you. The truth is – they’re not thinking of you – because they’re thinking of themselves. Like all of us.
When I say, “care less,” I’m not asking you to stop caring about things that matter. I’m talking about giving up worrying about things that have to do with the ego: how you look, how you’re perceived, trying to maintain appearances, trying to show you have it all together.
Have you ever noticed that when you audition for something you don’t give a rat’s ass about, you end up booking? Why is this? At a practical level you simply free yourself up in the moment and express yourself without judgment and concern for the end results. You don’t care how you look and consequently the energy that normally gets diffused when we are so concerned with the outcome, ends up instead being used properly. That is, creatively.
From a scientific/universal standpoint, it also is a declaration of alignment. In other words, you were totally in the moment of full creative expression. You weren’t second-guessing and stopping yourself from being expressed and you let go of the end results. Normally, we end up leaving an audition and immediately question every choice we made, desperately clinging to the need of wanting the job, beating ourselves up for what we didn’t do. All of these things are an implicit declaration to the universe stating “I don’t really believe I can have that.” And so we don’t.
Homework: Watch the video and then see how you can give up the need this week of having to fulfill an expectation of how you think something should look.
“In the end these things matter most: How well did you love? How fully did you love? How deeply did you learn to let go?” — The Buddha