Why don’t we get what we want in life?
Well, we actually do get what we want in life, but since we insist that the thing we desire look the way we think its supposed to look (and because it never does) – we actually shut out what wants to present itself in our experience (which is what we want) – and we miss it completely.
We ignore it. We deny it. We refuse to see the possibility in it. It wants to show us the way and generate creative ideas, but we think we know better.
So we end up with nothing. Or rather, we end up with a lot but it never seems to square away with the idea of what we want, so it feels like we’re getting squat.
There is your idea of life and how you want it to unfold . . . then there’s life.
When you give up your ideas (and expectations) of how things are supposed to be and instead embrace what you have, you begin to see interesting patterns.
Patterns whispering to you, “This is the way.” “Try this.” “Don’t be scared.” “Give it a go.” “Trust.” “What do you have to lose?” “What’s the worst that can happen?” “Breathe.”
When you start listening to the hunches, the “ah-hah’s,” the inner charges, you start to move in the direction of that thing you’re wanting, even if you can’t see it yet.
And that’s when the “How’s” of life become the “Wow’s”
You begin to stop worrying about the “How’s.”
“How will I get there?” “How will it work?” “How do I know?” “How is it possible?” “How can I be certain?”
Let Infinite Intelligence work out the plans. You can’t orchestrate them. You can’t control them. (Try as you might!) All you can do is set forth a clear intention and then go for the ride.
Try being a passenger for once. (And not the bossy, back-seat driver kind!) I mean, the kind where you trust you’ll end up at your destination even if you aren’t in control of reading the map.
Life is a lot like driving at night in the fog.
All you really have to do is keep illuminating the next 100 feet in front of you.